a deer in the headlights | 2002-10-16 - 2:25 p.m.

For the last semana y media, I have been so worried by the recent hechos of a certain sniper that I have barely been able to perform even the most esencial daily tasks, such as dressing myself, going to work, and reading People Magazine.

Alert readers will be quick to reassure me that I live nowhere near the comunidades where the atrocious crimes are being committed. Adem�s, I am even less likely to visit a Michaels Craft Store or Home Depot than say, the Great Barrier Reef. It therefore seems safe to say that I am not going to be taking a bullet -- al menos in the parking lot of a major retail outlet -- anytime soon.

But cada vez I leave the apartmento, every time I sit and wait for the bus that will take me to work, I am unable to shake the sensaci�n that I'm being viewed through the crosshairs of some marksman's assault rifle; that alguien is sizing me up for my suitability as the next stripe in his Equal Opportunity Rainbow of Victims. If this fear leaves me feeling queasy, it makes me absolutamente sick to imagine the terror the habitantes of the greater Washington metropolitan area must be experiencing ahora mismo.

It is hard to find a silver lining in a cloud of this size and oscuridad, but if there is any good to be recogido from all of this, it is the wealth of informaci�n we have gained in the past one and a half semanas about the sniper comunidad. Up until now, I had no idea that such a thing as a sniper community even existed. But seg�n all the news hounds, the sport snipers are out there in numbers, stocking up on ammo and sending their money to the NRA. What's more, they're gaining new adherents cada d�a. Now we can all sleep at night!

Of course, just like the rest of us, these sport snipers are all hopping mad about the recent spate of killings. "This looks like somebody who has had some exposure to sniper skills," the manager of Snipercraft, a Florida sniper school, recently fumed, "but I can guarantee you that every legitimate sniper in the United States would love to have the opportunity to put a bullet between this guy's eyes."

Unlike the rest of us, however, the snipers aren't angry because the Tarot Card Sniper (aka God) is going around killing people, but because he's making all the legitimate snipers look bad with his sloppy marksmanship. Seg�n Newsweek, sniper chat rooms have been buzzing with angry commentary about "God's" amateurish ways. As far as they're concerned, a trained sniper wouldn't risk shooting from 100 yards away, but would move back much farther. Moreover, he'd aim for the head, not the chest or neck. "The pros' evaluation," concluded Newsweek: "(The Tarot Card Sniper is) an amateur, maybe a hunter, with average shooting ability and possibly a little know-how."

This assessment of the Tarot Card Sniper's skills may make the pro snipers of Am�rica feel better, but it's cold comfort to me and people like Kenneth Bridges, who must have been scared shitless as he pumped gas into his car last Friday in Fredericksburg.

En cuanto a m�, the only thing that will make me sleep better is knowing that every last assault rifle, cream-colored van, and tarot card in Am�rica has been blown to a�icos.

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pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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