the patch | 2002-10-09 - 9:01 p.m.

Once I had recogido Concha off of the floor and revived her with a hefty squirt of my purse-sized Mambo perfume, the three of us, sin hablar, made our way to a colecci�n of flea-ridden old sofas in the conversation pit outside the entrada to Sears. Cada uno of the sof�s was ocupado, but one malevolent mirada from Concha was all it took to free us a seat.

No sooner had we sat down than Concha began riddling Teresita with preguntas.

"What the hell do you mean you're with child?"

Teresa smiled that annoyingly cloying sonrisa again and lifted her peasant blouse to reveal a bulging belly that neither of us, in our preocupaci�n with our own sagging guts, had noticed before.

"Jesus, Teresa!" Concha gasped. "You must be at least five months pregnant! How in the hell did this happen?"

Teresa looked at Concha quizzically. "I thought you were the authority on that."

"I mean," said Concha, looking around to make sure there weren't any Vatican spies in the conversation pit, "weren't you using any birth control?"

Teresa shrugged. "Yeah, sure I was. I was on that new patch thing."

Concha's eyes widened. "You mean you went and got a prescription for a birth control patch and you never even told me?"

A look of perplejidad clouded Teresa's face. "What do you mean, prescription? I just went to the drugstore with a fake ID and they sold it to me. They keep the stuff right behind the checkout counter."

Concha y yo looked at each other.

"Teresa, honey," said Concha, "do you remember the name of the product you bought?"

Teresa frunci� el entrecejo in concentration. "Um," she finally said, "I think it was algo called Somethingderm. Somethingderm CQ."

Concha's hand went to her mouth.

Teresa looked at Concha, then me, then back at Concha nuevemente. "WHAT? " she yelped. "Since when do you have anything against birth control?"

anterior - siguiente

pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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