�100! | 2002-08-20 - 10:27 p.m.

Painfully consciente of the fact that I am about to write my 100th Diarylandia entry, I grope around for something of importancia to report. For once. While there's nothing more cathartic than a good old Castigada-as-human-pi�ata entry, I feel something less humiliating would be in order for such an ocasi�n.

Deasfortunadamente, the only tema that comes to mind is the loss of face I suffered at Curly's when Pedro's novia compared my nuevo perfume to bug spray. Desesperada, I race to think of something of importancia on which to comentar. Perhaps the latest study on drinking water? Or the newest Shakira video?

It is with alivio and gratitude that I hear the tel�fono ringing. I pick up, and jam the receiver to my ear, eager to escape the tyranny of my blank computer escreen.

"Castigada." It is Concha, of course. "�Qu� haces?"

"I'm trying to write a diary entry."

Concha clucks with desd�n. "Put down what you're doing and meet me over at the KIA dealership cu�nto antes."

"What in demonios is a KIA?"

Concha sighs. "Haven't you seen the commercial?"

Oh, no, I think, not you, too, Concha.

"Ya sabes, Castigada. KIA is a brand of car. I think. Anyway, the KIA dealership is giving free Lord of the Rings DVDs away to people just for coming in and haciendo a test-drive! You know, just like in the commercial!"

"The one with the guy on the horse?"

"Oh, so you have seen it."

Suddenly the prospect of spending la tarde in front of a blank computer screen doesn't sound so grim. "Concha, you don't even have a valid driver's license. Anymore. Don't you think you'll need a license?"

"That's why I'm calling you."

"They'll take one look at me and know I'm not serious about buying a car."

"Who cares, as long as they give us the chingado DVD?"

The cursor on my escreen blinks in time with the second hand on my watch. I sigh, resigned to my destino. My 100th entry will just have to wait. "Where did you say this dealership was?" I ask.

Five minutes later, I'm on a bus, heading south. It's not until I get to the dealership, grimy and irritable, that I remember neither Concha nor yo has a DVD player.

anterior - siguiente

pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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