mysteries of berkeley | 2002-06-29 - 5:57 p.m.

I just sat through the most exasperante radio interview. This stay-at-home mom (who just happens to be the wife of a very famous author) was going on about how much she resented staying at home playing Candyland with her kid, and how all the books in the library were "putting her to sleep." By this, I assume she meant all the books in the library except her husband's books.

So (presumably for her own entretenimiento) she decided to escribir a libro of her own. A novela polic�aca about a stay-at-home mom turned sleuth called "A Playdate with Death."

Hmmm. Why do I suspect this libro will end up on the bargain table at the local Barnes and Noble? And why am I thinking somebody should institute a limit on the n�mero of writers per household?

Tengo que admitir that I have not so much as read the blurb of "A Playdate with Death." Perhaps it is a really good book.

But I think not. Mrs. Chabon already has a rich and talented marido, a home in the most desirable area in the mundo, a child, and the tiempo libre to enjoy it all. It would be too much to take if she were a decent writer on top of all that.

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pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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