in which I kiss Andrew's nalgas | 2002-06-27 - 11:33 p.m.

Querido Andrew,

For some time I have been meaning to write to you about an asunto that has been weighing heavily on my mind, namely, the Diarylandia costumbre of listing favorite diaries.

Please do not infer from my inter�s in this subject that I am in the least bit concerned with my own popularidad as a diarista. I am completamente innocente of diary vanity; I have ning�n concepto of what it means to write for an audience. If I sometimes appear to be addressing an audience in my diary, it is only a private joke, �me entiende? I certainly do not flatter myself that Diarylandia giants like you would ever stoop to read any entries of mine, even if they were recommended to you.

Huelga decir, I do -- �like everybody else! -- check my stats from time to time. Just as an ejercicio in humility, por supuesto. And yes, de vez en cuando I do study glance at the list of Diarylanders who have "favorited" me. Only de vez en cuando, mind you.

What is this leading up to? you ask. I will tell you. Sometimes I receive wonderful, enthusiastic notas from Diarylanders saying "I love your diary so much! I can't wait to put you on my favorites list!" and so on. When I receive notas like this, I am generalmente inspired to check my "linkers" list, just to see if the enthusiasm is genuine. Many times I am crushed to find that it is not. But when it is, and I see a new name appear on my "linkers" list, I feel -- well, I feel muy, muy contenta. I am, after all, only human!

This in itself is not a problema. What is problem�tico is the fleeting nature of Diarylandia affinities. I think you know what I'm talking about. One d�a, Se�orita Entusi�stica discovers my diary and starts singing my praises. Two entries later, she decides that I am not worth reading on a regular basis anymore, and just as casualmente as she added me to her list of preferidas, she takes me off. Like a dirty pair of calcetines or last month's hair extensions.

I understand that there is muy poco you can do about the inherent fickleness of certain Diarylanders. Some people are just born mean capricious indecisive, as mi madre used to tell me. I do, however, believe you could discourage Diarylanders from the annoying and injurious habit of serial de-listing by compiling a list of the worst offenders and posting it in the members' area. The threat of seeing one's nombre on such a shameful lista might just be enough to deter my detractors certain Diarylanders from de-listing so habitually.

Of course, this is just a thought; one which you have probablemente, in your infinite wisdom, already meditado upon.

If it turns out you have developed a soluci�n to this de-listing epidemia, however, I do hope you implement it pronto, before more people de-list me this de-listing epidemia becomes pandemic.

Well, that's about all for now. Muchas gracias por tu atenci�n a este asunto, and keep up the good work!



p.s. Love that new favorite entries feature!

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pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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