bandera de plomo | 2002-02-07 - 10:02 p.m.

Les pido un gran favor. Will one of you, my ten beloved readers, please tell me if you see my banner at any point during the next few semanas?

You know, I spent a mont�n of time getting that chingado banner just right, trying to hit upon the perfect mezcla de elegancia y groser�a. Ya sabes -- equal parts class and sass; brashness and subtlety; diamonds and saltpeter. In short, a banner as complex and intriguing as yo, La Castigada.

I didn't want to scare people off with images of la sant�sima virgen, so I kept it pretty secular, with a picture of a recumbent naked lady I estole from one of those online "fine art" poster vendors. �Y sabes que? I, who have ninguna experiencia with Photoshop or any of that chingado computer crap, not only shrank the painting down to banner size but ADDED TEXT to it! Amazing, �no? Okay, well, I at least was pretty proud of myself as, bleary-eyed and --let's be honest -- un poquito inebriated, I contemplated the finished product at 2:35 a.m.

But that was two weeks ago. Alas, since sending my banner in to Andrew or Eric or whatever el Supreme Ruler of Diarylandia calls himself, I have come to realize -- not without some pain -- that my masterpiece is pretty Low Tec by most people's estandards. You could even call it dull. It doesn't make any references to Diet Coke, Hello Kitty, or Satan. It isn't shrouded in subdued tones of black and grey. It doesn't wink, blink, or oscillate. Por el amor de dios, it doesn't even include a URL. It just occupies space; recumbent, frozen, lifeless, like mi madre watching an episode of Survivor.

Sabes que, I am beginning to worry that el Rey de Diarylandia will not want to publish my banner. Quality issues aside, it features a naked lady. Okay, sure, I chose a classy, fine art naked lady for my banner, but still ... that ain't no canteloupe she's offering us in the picture, no se�or. And Eric did say banner nudity was a no-no.

Then too, there's the question of intellectual property. Will Eric let me run my banner as-is without credit to the Goya cabr�n who did all the hard work of painting my naked lady? Or will Eric be too worried that this Goya's gonna sue him for theft of intellectual property?

No puedo vivir another day with this uncertainty! It is making me loca! I am not putting it mildly when I say my banner is practically all I think about these days. (If you're starting to feel superior, stop right there and preg�ntate how often you think about your own diary-related asuntos. Mmm hmmm. I thought so, you hypocrite, you.) De vez en cuando I visit Diarylandia and bounce from page to page, not to check stats, not to check buddy lists, not to update, but to see whether my banner is up and if it really is as pat�tica as I now envision it.

Ay, beloved readers, put me out of my misery. Please, if you see my banner, por el amor de dios, �d�jame saber!

anterior - siguiente

pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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