la verdad sobre commander chakotay | 2002-04-24 - 7:28 p.m.

Have you ever been so solitaria and sad and aburrida that you've gastado an entire hora watching an episodio of Star Trek Voyager? Are you a big enough failure that you've seen m�s than unos cuantos episodios of this show? Are you -- como yo -- such a complete, all-time perdedora that you've seen cada episodio twice and look forward to doing it nuevamente?

If not, I recomiendo that Uds. skip this entry. Otherwise, you're in for a particularmente boring Castigada experiencia.

You still with me? Bueno. Here's the deal, perdedores. Concha and I have this ongoing argument about Commander Chakotay, the first officer on the USS Voyager. Ya sabes, the t�o with the tattoo on the side of his head. The good-looking t�o with the tattoo on the side of his head, not that little guy that looks like a hairy booger.

The argumento goes something like this. Concha thinks that just because Chakotay talks like Edward James Olmos and his nombre sounds like algo you'd make fajitas with, he is Mexican.

Yo, I'm not so sure.

Para empezar, Chakotay doesn't like slimy food -- food like flan, por ejemplo. He doesn't like fried food, either. He says it upsets his stomach. Encima de todo, he's a vegetarian. These last two datos alone, I think, would make it muy dif�cil for him to spend more than unos cuantos d�as en M�xico without starving to death.

And there's the cuestion of that tattoo on the side of his rugged, sexy face. As they still say in my neighborhood, what is up with that thing? Chakotay says he wears it to honor his father, but it looks more like something you'd find on the side of a Hawaiian shirt or catamar�n than on the descendent of a Toltec.

You'd think I'd have won the argumento with that one. But for each advance I make in the campaign, Concha mounts a counter-offensive. "Oh yeah?" she asks. "Explain to me this, then. If Chakotay isn't Mexican, then how come he does all the hard work on the ship and never gets any credit for it?"

Hmmm. Not a bad point.

Whatever his ethnicidad, one thing's for sure. Commander Chakotay is one hot tamale. Mexicano o no, he can dock in my shuttle bay whenever he likes.

anterior - siguiente

pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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