april fool | 2002-04-01 - 9:30 p.m.

Mi madre called me esta tarde and told me some horrible news. Are you sitting down? Good. Now, take a deep breath. OK, ah� viene:

The Queen Mother of England est� muerta.

S�, �es verdad! Seg�n mi madre, she checked into the wooden Waldorf este fin de semana.

At first I was shocked, too. The Queen Mother? Dead? How could this be? It was like mam� had just told me George Bush was un miembro of Mensa o algo. I mean, don't get me wrong, but I was so acostumbrada to la Queen Mum being alive that I'd started wondering if she at one time hab�a tenido un encuentro with the vampire Lestat!

More to the point, I loved the Queen Mum. I mean, I really loved her. Unlike nosotros, she was born and bred a lady, from the top of her feather-crowned head right down to the tips of her periwinkle blue shoes. She was queenly and brave. She wore funny hats. I loved her like some people love Cher -- admiring her grit, appreciating her morality, and shuddering at her fashion sense, all at el mismo tiempo.

When mi madre told me the news, I was hit so hard I had to sit down. "Mam�, is this one of those est�pidas April Fool's pranks?" I finally asked. "Because if it is, it isn't funny."

Mi madre got so insulted she hung up on me and didn't call back for diez minutos. Ten long minutes, in which I sobbed and sobbed inconsolably for the loss of a lady. The end of an era.

When mi madre finally did call back, she asked me if my nose was running.

"S�," I said. "Y qu�?"

"Better catch it before it reaches the border," she said. "APRIL FOOL'S!"

She was still laughing as I hung up.

Ay, dios, this has got to be the worst April Fool's Day ever.

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pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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