blessed virgen | 2002-03-27 - 10:27 p.m.

"Don't judge a rook by its color," my media borracha T�a Dolores would lecture me when I was una jovencita. La mayor�a of what T�a Dolores used to tell me was not mucho m�s original than the sentimientos expressed on your average greeting card, but this particular expression of hers had staying power. Rooks, indeed. I thought my aunt sounded algo like a tipsy female San Francisco de Assisi when she said it. Visionary, but a little peculiar al mismo tiempo, sabes?

I later learned that T�a got the expresi�n mixed up, but even in its mangled form, I think it bears repeating. For I'm always judging a rook by its color. And I'm always judging wrong.

It happened again just el otro d�a. I was re-reading my profile when I saw el nombre de virginmary in the list of gente who have added me to their preferidos. I am not exaggerating when I tell you I nearly had an ataque de coraz�n right then and there.

This couldn't have come at a more apropiado time. Ya sabes, I'd been worrying lately that Diarylandia was a major time-suck, as Inarticulata would say. I'd been flagelandome for spending demasiado tiempo reading other diarists' secret pensamientos, and gastando even more time organizing mis proprios pensamientos into some easily digestible form. Yet here, like a bolt of lightning from el cielo, was incontrovertible proof that my horas of labor on Diarylandia really meant algo! La Sant�sima Virgen herself was keeping a blog! And what is more, she approved of my own miserable esfuerzos!

My hearting thumping in my chest like the soundtrack from Saturday Night Fever, I clicked on the link to the Virgin Mary's site. I have to admit, I was not expecting much more than "today I appeared on the bedroom wall of an emphysema patient in a suburb of Boston, Massachussets," but I thought maybe if I was lucky, I would find a mention of me or my diary in there.

Imagine my dismay when I pulled up the diary of a lapsed catholic who collects tacky icons of la Virgen Mar�a.

Now, hijos. I find tacky Virgin Mary icons fascinantes, and this diarista y yo could probablemente spend horas and horas discussing the merits of our respective colecciones. What's more, this diarist's prose is inteligente y divertido. And witty. And honest. I like this diarist.

That said, la sant�sima virgen she is not. And tengo que decir I am un poco desilusionada. �C�mo no? When you visit someone's website expecting to read the innermost pensamientos of the Mother of God, can you blame yourself for getting a little disappointed when you pull up an entry about the diarist's dental problems?

Y sabes, it doesn't make it any better to know that if T�a Dolores were here, she'd be shaking her head sadly and saying, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

anterior - siguiente

pride and prejudice - 2004-09-07
wherein I become a Yahoo! Search Result - 2004-06-23
like 9-11 all over again - 2004-06-20
enough said - 2003-02-05
tirar por la calle de en medio - 2003-01-28

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